1 888 443 7238

Paper to Cad Conversion

Are you having  any  paper document or Scanned drawings, blueprints or PDF  files, and  need it in cad ?, fast and accurate , then contact  us now. Why go through the hassle and experience of  redrawing  your paper plan when you can easily outsource it to experienced cad professionals at less cost?  let Draftex do the hard work for you we  will convert your scanned paper drawing into an accurate cad drawing.

Our  trained autocad drafters will take your scan and manually redraw the whole drawing, using your layers, styles and conventions. When we finish its an exact copy of the original, only in cad. We use autocad and will send you the finished files as dwgor in any other format you would like.

Let us know when you need it, and any specific instructions that might be needed. we will get back right away with a time frame and quote. Our prices are very competitive , as well as volume discounts for large orders.